Top 50+ Selenium Interviews Questions 2023 based on Years of Experience

Author: neptune | 02nd-Apr-2023
#Selenium #Testing #Interview

Every interview difficulty is based on how many years of experience you have in that field. For the Selenium Automation Tester, I have divided the question into the number of years of experience.

Set 1: For 1 to 3 years of experience.

  1. What is Software Testing?

  2. What are the phases of Test Development Life Cycle TDLC.

  3. Why do we need Test Automation?

  4. Various tools for Test Automation.

  5. Which tool is preferred for Test Automation and Why?

  6. What are the Pros and Cons of using Selenium?

  7. Difference between Selenium IDE & WebDriver?

  8. How do you initialize Selenium WebDriver?

  9. Which browsers are supported by Selenium?

  10. Which operating systems are supported in Selenium?

  11. How to maximize or resize a browser window?

  12. How to navigate back and forward?

  13. What are selectors or locators in Selenium? 

  14. How many locators are there in Selenium? 

  15. How to use create locators? 

  16. Which locator is preferred and Why?

  17. What are the different types of exceptions in Selenium?

  18. Which exception occurs if an element is not present in DOM?

  19. When did we get the Stale element exception?

  20. What are the different types of waits in Selenium?

Set 2: For 3 to 5 years of experience.

  1. All questions of set 1.

  2. Know all phases of Test Automation.

  3. What is Agile methodology?

  4. What is Software Development Life Cycle SDLC?

  5. Which Automation tools have you worked on and Why?

  6. Which Automation frameworks have you worked on and Why?

  7. What are the Pros and Cons of Automation tools?

  8. What are the Pros and Cons of Automation frameworks?

  9. How could you improve on the framework you worked on?

  10. Explain the architecture of the framework you worked on?

  11. What is a Page Object Model POM?

  12. Which Continuous Integration tools have you used in the Automation framework?

  13. What were the challenges you faced in execution?

  14. What is a Selenium Grid and Why do we use it?

  15. How can you implement Grid?

  16. How did you provide test results or reports?

  17. Which framework do you prefer in the XYZ scenario or for the XYZ type of application and why?

  18. How do you handle and switch between browser windows?

  19. How do you integrate AutoIT with Selenium WebDriver?

  20. How can you test web services?

  21. Which tools are used to test web services?

  22. What are BDD, TDD & ATDD? 

  23. Difference between Keyword-driven, Data-driven, Hybrid, and Behavior-driven frameworks?

Set 3: For 5 to 7 years of experience.

  1. All questions of set 2.

  2. What is a test harness?

  3. Explain Agile methodologies?

  4. What is Test planning and estimation?

  5. How to define the scope of Test Automation?

  6. How to ascertain the suitability and feasibility of the Test Automation tool or framework?

  7. What frameworks have you implemented and managed?

  8. What was the ROI of Test Automation?

  9. How can you improve the ROI of Test Automation?

That's all I have for now. But I will keep adding the questions.

These questions will definitely help in preparing for Java interviews.
Thanks for Reading !!!

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