Trending on Neptune
Deploy Django project on AWS with Apache2 and mod_wsgi module.
Author: neptune | 18th-May-2024
#Python #Django
In this blog I use the AWS Ubuntu 18.22 instance as Hosting platform and used Apache2 server with mod_wsgi for configurations. We create a django sample project then configure server...

Create Your First App in React with Redux | Counter app
Author: neptune | 30th-Mar-2023
Creating your first app in React can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Will guide you to create a counter app in React with redux...

Will Infosys and TCS Meet the Same Fate as India's Cotton Mills?
Author: neptune | 12th-Jun-2024
India's textile industry serves as a cautionary tale for today's tech outsourcing leaders, Infosys, TCS, and other Indian IT giants must navigate these changes carefully, continually adapting...

Fresh for You
Building a Simple Chatbot with Python and openpyxl
Author: neptune | 25th-Jun-2024
#Python #Projects
This chatbot reads questions and answers from an Excel file and provides responses based on user input...

Will Infosys and TCS Meet the Same Fate as India's Cotton Mills?
Author: neptune | 12th-Jun-2024
India's textile industry serves as a cautionary tale for today's tech outsourcing leaders, Infosys, TCS, and other Indian IT giants must navigate these changes carefully, continually adapting...

From REST to GraphQL: The Future of API Design
Author: neptune | 25th-Feb-2024
Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL provides a more flexible and intuitive approach to data querying and retrieval...

AWS Step Functions Express vs. Standard Workflows: Which One Fits Your Use Case?
Author: neptune | 20th-Sep-2023
AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service that allows you to build serverless workflows to coordinate AWS services and applications...

Modified 0-1 knapsack problem | Frsco Play Hackerrank
Author: neptune | 05th-Nov-2023
#Hackerrank #Problem Solving
An automobile mechanic wants to buy a set of spare parts from a manufacturing unit. Goal is to maximise the amount of money the mechanic can earn...

Elon Musk Remove Twitter Block Users Feature
Author: neptune | 19th-Aug-2023
#Twitter #Elon Musk
Elon Musk, announced his intention to remove the "block" feature. Musk tweeted, Block is going to be deleted as a 'feature,' except for DMs...

Untold Story
The Phoenix and The Albatross: Valleys to Pass
Author: neptune | 20th-Jun-2023
"The Phoenix and The Albatross: Valleys to Pass" is an enchanting tale that explores the power of belief, the importance of self-discovery, and the resilience of love...

From REST to GraphQL: The Future of API Design
Author: neptune | 25th-Feb-2024
Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL provides a more flexible and intuitive approach to data querying and retrieval...

Basic SQL
30+ SQL Interview Questions
Author: neptune | 05th-Jan-2023
#Interview #SQL
Data Definition Language (DDL) – It allows end-users to CREATE, ALTER, and DELETE database objects...

Data Science
9 movies every Data Scientist should watch.
Author: neptune | 12th-May-2023
#Data Science
Nowadays, the movie industry has so far presented lots of movies related to sophisticated AI systems, humanoid robots, self-driving automobiles, and a world full of digital technologies...

Machine Learning
Comparing Chat GPT and Google Bard: Differences and Applications
Author: neptune | 17th-Jun-2023
#Machine learning #AI #Google #GPT
Chat GPT and Google Bard are two of the most popular language models that have been developed in recent years. Both of these models are designed to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs...

PaLM 2: Google's Multilingual, Reasoning, and Coding Model
Author: neptune | 13th-May-2023
#Machine learning #AI #Google
Google introduces PaLM 2, a highly versatile language model with improved multilingual, reasoning, and coding capabilities powering over 25 Google products and features...

Building a Simple Chatbot with Python and openpyxl
Author: neptune | 25th-Jun-2024
#Python #Projects
This chatbot reads questions and answers from an Excel file and provides responses based on user input...

Cockroach Theory by Sunder Pichai - Google CEO.
Author: neptune | 15th-Jun-2023
A beautiful speech by Sundar Pichai - an IIT-MIT Alumnus and Google CEO...

“Stay Hungry Stay Foolish” - Speech by Steve Jobs
Author: neptune | 22nd-May-2022
At Stanford University Steve Job’s address commencement in 2005 is one of the most famous speeches “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”. It has been described as 'life-changing” speech...

Application Development
Essential Topics to Master React JS
Author: neptune | 21st-Feb-2024
A Comprehensive Guide to Components, State, JSX, Event Handling, Routing, Redux, Hooks, Testing, Performance Optimization, and Server-Side Rendering...

AWS Step Functions Express vs. Standard Workflows: Which One Fits Your Use Case?
Author: neptune | 20th-Sep-2023
AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service that allows you to build serverless workflows to coordinate AWS services and applications...

React.js vs React Native – What's the Difference?
Author: neptune | 26th-Mar-2023
React.js and React Native are both frameworks developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. However, they are not the same and have different use cases...

Data Structures and Algorithms
Top 8 Algorithms every programmer should Know !!!
Author: neptune | 21st-Apr-2023
The top 8 algorithms for programmers include sorting, searching, graph, dynamic programming, greedy, divide and conquer, backtracking, and randomized...

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