Is Object Empty | #2727 | LeetCode | JavaScript Solution

Author: neptune | 01st-Sep-2023
#JavaScript #LeetCode

Problem : Is Object Empty | #2727 | LeetCode

Given an object or an array, return if it is empty.

  • An empty object contains no key-value pairs.

  • An empty array contains no elements.

You may assume the object or array is the output of JSON.parse.

Example 1:

Input: obj = {"x": 5, "y": 42}

Output: false

Explanation: The object has 2 key-value pairs so it is not empty.

Example 2:

Input: obj = {}

Output: true

Explanation: The object doesn't have any key-value pairs so it is empty.

Example 3:

Input: obj = [null, false, 0]

Output: false

Explanation: The array has 3 elements so it is not empty. 



     * @param {Object | Array} obj

     * @return {boolean}


    var isEmpty = function(obj) {

        if (Array.isArray(obj)){

            return obj.length === 0;

        } else if (typeof obj === 'object'){

            return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;



            return false




This function first checks if the input is an array and then checks if its length is zero. If the input is not an array, it checks if it's an object (and not null) and then checks if the number of keys in the object is zero. If it's not an object or an array, it returns `false`.

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