Write a JavaScript function fibonacciSequence() to generate a FIbonacci sequence.
Example 1:
It should return an array of the fibonacci sequence numbers "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5".
Example 2:
It should return an array of the fibonacci sequence numbers "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8".
Note: 5 is the array index which return the 6 values form the starting of the array. Solution:
This function takes a number n as input and returns an array of the first n+1 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.
function fibonacciSequence(input) {
//Type your code here.
let sequence = [0,1];
let i=2;
sequence[i] = sequence[i-1]+sequence[i-2]
// console.log(sequence);
return sequence