Jobs at major risk due to GPT! Yours?

Author: neptune | 07th-Apr-2023
#Jobs #GPT

In this article, we will explore the list of jobs most impacted by GPT,  As technology continues to advance, it is becoming increasingly evident that certain jobs are at risk of becoming obsolete. The recent development of GPT (generative pre-trained transformer) and its related software has the potential to disrupt numerous industries and impact a wide range of jobs. Researchers at ChatGPT maker OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania have released a list of jobs that are most at risk due to GPT.


The art of poetry has been a staple of human expression for centuries. However, GPT has the potential to replace human poets with machine-generated poetry. GPT can analyze and interpret language, style, and context, creating poetry that rivals human creativity.

Web Digital Designers

Web design is a crucial component of modern business. However, GPT has the ability to create websites and web pages based on pre-existing templates and user preferences. This could potentially eliminate the need for human designers in the future.


Mathematicians rely on complex algorithms to solve problems and develop theories. However, GPT can analyze vast amounts of data and solve complex equations with ease. This could potentially reduce the demand for human mathematicians.

Tax Preparers

Tax preparation is a tedious and time-consuming process that requires significant attention to detail. GPT can analyze tax laws, regulations, and forms to generate accurate tax returns. This could potentially replace the need for human tax preparers.

Blockchain Engineers

Blockchain technology is a rapidly growing industry that relies on complex programming and security protocols. However, GPT can analyze and interpret blockchain code, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and create secure blockchain networks. This could potentially replace the need for human blockchain engineers.


The ability to communicate effectively across languages is crucial in today's globalized world. However, GPT can translate language in real-time, making it possible to communicate across languages without the need for human translators.


The art of writing is a complex and nuanced craft that requires creativity and critical thinking. However, GPT can analyze and interpret language, tone, and style to generate written content that rivals human creativity. This could potentially replace the need for human writers.

Implications for Industries and Jobs

The potential impact of GPT on these industries and jobs cannot be overstated. The widespread adoption of GPT could lead to a significant reduction in the demand for human labor in these areas. This could result in significant job losses, reduced wages, and increased competition for those who remain in these industries.

Moreover, the use of GPT raises ethical concerns about the displacement of human workers, the potential loss of creativity and innovation, and the impact on the overall economy. Additionally, the use of GPT could potentially exacerbate existing inequalities in the labor market, as those who are already at a disadvantage may be more likely to be replaced by machines.

Advice for Those Whose Jobs May Be at Risk

If your job is at risk due to the potential impact of GPT, there are several steps you can take to prepare for the future. One approach is to develop skills that are less likely to be automated, such as creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

Another approach is to pivot to a related field that may be less vulnerable to automation. For example, web designers may consider shifting their focus to user experience design or front-end development, which requires a human touch and a deeper understanding of user behavior.

Furthermore, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in GPT and related technologies, as this will allow you to anticipate changes in your industry and adapt accordingly.


In conclusion, the impact of GPT on the job market cannot be ignored. While the technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries, it also poses significant risks for those whose jobs may be at risk of becoming automated. It is crucial for workers in these industries to stay informed, develop new skills, and explore alternative career paths to prepare for the potential impact of GPT.

However, it is also important to recognize that the use of GPT can bring significant benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and reduced costs. As with any technological innovation, it is up to society to determine how to best harness the potential of GPT while mitigating its potential negative impacts.

Ultimately, the future of work in the age of GPT is uncertain, but it is clear that workers must be proactive in adapting to the changing landscape of their industries. By developing new skills, staying informed, and exploring alternative career paths, workers can prepare for the potential impact of GPT and position themselves for success in the years to come.

anonymous | April 5, 2023, 7:32 p.m.

Really helpful 👍

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