1. Find all the empty files inside the directory OFFICE and delete them.
$ find OFFICE/ -empty -type f -delete
2.Find the name of the directory you are currently placed.
$ pwd
3.Display the system date
$ date
4.Create three empty files in your home directory with the names file1, file2 and file3.
$ touch file1 file2 file3
5.Copy the file file1 to the sub-directory HR under the OFFICE directory.
$ cp file1 OFFICE/HR
6.Rename the file file1 to hrfile.txt.
$ mv file hrfile.txt
7.Copy the file file2 and file3 to the sub-directory BILLS under the sub-directory FINANCE under OFFICE directory
8.Rename file2 to billpaid.txt and file3 to billdue.txt.
$ mv file2 billpaid.txt
$ mv file3 billdue.txt
9.Change the permissions of the ADMIN directory as below
Owner – All permissions
Group – Read and Execute permissions
Others – Read permission
10.Copy the directory HR to another directory with name HR_new
$ cp -r HR HR_new
11.Copy the file inside the directory HR to another directory with name TEMPDIR.
$ cp -r HR/* TEMPDIR/
12.Delete the file inside the directory HR_New and then delete the directory HR_New
$ rm -r HR_New/*
$ rm -d HR_New
13.Delete the directory TEMPDIR at one go.
$ rm -d TEMPDIR/
14. List all the files in your home directory with all the attributes.
$ ls -A
$ ls -a
15.List all the text files in your home directory.
$ ls -a *.txt
16.List the users currently logged in.
$ w
17. Compare the file sample.txt inside the directory ADMIN with the file hrfile.txt inside the directory HR.
Syntax: cmp [options] file1 file2
$ cmp ADMIN/sample.txt HR/hrfile.txt
18.List the common lines between the two files mentioned in the previous question.
$ comm ADMIN/sample.txt HR/hrfile.txt
19. Display the lines which start with the word “This” in the file sample.txt inside the directory ADMIN.
$ grep “^This” sample.txt
20. Display the count of lines having the word “sample” in the file sample.txt. The search should be case-insensitive.
$ grep -ic “sample” sample.txt
21. Create a file called scores.txt in your home directory with the following content
Roll No|Name|Score
Display the name of the top 3 scorers from the data stored in the file scores.txt.
$ sort -k2,2rn -t: scores.txt | head -n 3 | cut -f1 -d:
Thanks for Reading !!!