I think most of us use task manager to end/kill processes if the application doesn’t respond.
To open task manager, use Ctrl+Alt+Del keys or right-click on the taskbar and select task manager.
Now if we have let's say 20-30 or more processes running. Then how we can kill them all at once?
I mostly face this issue with chrome driver or any Webdriver while running automation script it creates multiple chromedriver.exe processes.
To get rid of these process task manager will take a lot of time and effort. Using the cmd prompt this can be done within seconds let's see how?
All you have to do is open the cmd prompt and then follow the below steps:
Step 1: Enter the tasklist as shown below.
Step 2: Copy the name of the process/application you want to kill.
Example: chrome.exe or chromedriver.exe
Step 3: Now enter kill cmd as shown below
>>> taskkill /IM chrome.exe /F
>>> taskkill /IM chromedriver.exe /F
You can change the “chrome.exe” to the process which you want to kill.
That’s how you can get rid of process in few seconds.
I hope this will help you.