8.SQL Query to Count odd and even digits in a number

Author: neptune | 24th-Apr-2022
#SQL #Hackerrank

Count odd and even digits in a number

Problem Statement : Write a query that counts odd and even digits in a number.

Sample format is described as follows:

Example 1.

Input : 123456

Output : Odd digits = 3

                Even digits = 3

Example 2.

Input : 6543

Output : Odd digits = 2

                Even digits = 2

Solution :

For this challenge, we must:

  1.  We will iterate the number and check the digits one by one, if it is odd or even.

Query :


  num NUMBER := 123456;

  len VARCHAR2(20);

  count1 NUMBER(5) :=0;

  count2 NUMBER(5) := 0;


  FOR i IN 1..Length(num)


      len := Substr(num, i, 1);

        IF mod(len, 2) != 0 THEN

          count1 :=  count1+1;


          count2 :=count2+1;

        END IF;


dbms_output.Put_line('Odd Digits: ' || cnt1);

dbms_output.Put_line('Even Digits: ' || cnt2);



Odd Digits: 3

Even Digits: 3

Hope you learn something !!!

If you have any questions let me know in the comment section.

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